Aina's Torture Chambers
Why would you do this to yourself?
Last updated: 7th of November 2023Hi! I'm Aina Zelkova from Behemoth and I make dumb jump puzzles for people to bash their heads against until they give up or stab me. Or both. Below is a list of all the puzzles I've made along with their addresses and some basic info. Most are on Primal, but there is also a single puzzle on Chaos. Feel free to message me in-game or on Twitter for any questions or death threats.A preview gallery with some screenshots to show off the puzzles can be found hereHaving trouble finding the entrances? Click hereNote: I hit the carrd image limits so the gallery's currently missing thingsGlossary:
Speed boost: Sprint/Peloton
Void jump: Running into the void and jumping to teleport up
Phasing: Running into furniture until you clip throughDisclaimer: All jump puzzles are subject to change if major skips are found or I feel like redesigning stuff. I don't like punishing creativity, but some stuff is too big to keep in.Puzzles are in order of difficulty. Note that some puzzles are on the European servers.
★★☆☆☆ Moving Gallery
This is more of an experiment and showcase rather than a full puzzle. It's very short and easy, and is mostly a display of the new housing glitch that allows for moving furniture in the house when using sit/doze. A good puzzle for beginners, and those curious to see the new glitch! You need to sit in all three chairs to unlock the final path. The order is RGB, just like your sick gamer LEDs. Don't forget to sit in the chairs (and press space bar afterwards, don't move).
Goal: Reach the message book at the end and sign it
Entrance: Jump twice under the globe in the middle of the room
Address: (Primal) Behemoth Lavender Beds Ward 24 Plot 60 Room #4
Additional rules: No void jumps
Additional notes: If stuck, use something like En Avant or re-enter the room. Moving to the front door breaks the new glitch, so you have to fully re-enter the room. Also you can get on all the pillows just by jumping directly up, you risk getting stuck if you move in any direction while jumping. Applies to chairs as well. Jump after sitting, no direction.
★★☆☆☆ Aina's Tragic Kingdom
Newest puzzle on EU, an experiment in making something easier while focusing more on the aesthetics. The puzzle itself is short, but finding where it starts might be a little tricky. Explore around and enjoy the rides!Goal: Reach the message book at the end and sign it
Entrance: Walk up to the counter and jump underneath the Dress Form
Address: (Light) Raiden Lavender Beds Ward 11, Plot 36
Additional rules: No void jumps!
Speedrun times: World Record's 00:29:30 by Azura Stargazer
★★★☆☆ :3C
Despite the confusing name, this is a library themed jumping puzzle. It's essentially a floating void library. But because I can't read, I turned it into a puzzle instead. It's slightly more difficult than the Dhalmel puzzle despite having the same difficulty rating. This particular puzzle is located on Chaos, on the European servers, but I can try to arrange a friend teleport if you message me. Shirogane's sadly not very alt friendly. I have my Twitter linked at the bottom of the page for messages. The house is owned by my friend, so don't be scared off by the different name on the Placard.
Goal: Reach the message book at the end and sign it (not the one outside the house, silly)
Entrance: Jump under the table on top of the fish tank upstairs
Address: (Chaos) Omega Shirogane Ward 20 Plot 13
Additional rules: It's a library so keep it down, will ya?
★★★☆☆ Dhalmel Tower
My very first puzzle, and currently the easiest one I have on Primal. Despite being the easiest, it's still rated 3 stars (Hard) and will take a while to complete if you're not experienced with jump puzzles. Peloton recommended, as speed boosts are required for a few jumps. Message book is usually full, apologies!
Goal: Reach the throne at the top
Entrance: Upstairs, jump under the globe, then jump again
Address: (Primal) Behemoth Lavender Beds Ward 24 Plot 41
Additional rules: Nah, go nuts
Extra stuff: There's also a tiny jump puzzle outside of the house, if you /doze through the Beach Chair poking out of the wall. Great view from the top!
P.S. Did you know it says "gullible" on the ceiling when entering the house?
★★★★☆ Comfy Jump Puzzle
Despite the name, this puzzle is not very comfy. It does have a bunch of pillows and beds though. And Aymeric. The Comfy Jump Puzzle recently had its difficulty rating bumped to the highest tier, and doesn't have many clears. How hard is it really? Well, the person rating jump puzzles slept in the puzzle overnight to avoid having to restart, and another person had a nightmare about it. Glowing reviews, right? Also, you would be insane to try this puzzle without Peloton. Comfy Jump Puzzle puzzle comes with a skip elevator to the end (using the ice platforms on the left side). Skip elevator "clears" do not count, but it can be used to watch jumping attempts.
Goal: Reach the end of the puzzle and sign the message book without the use of the skip elevator
Entrance: Good luck figuring it out ;)
Address: (Primal) Behemoth Shirogane Ward 24 Apartment #13 Subdivision
Additional rules: No Void Jumps, no Phasing★★★★☆ Jump to the Heart
This puzzle is themed around Kingdom Hearts, taking you through the entire first game as you jump to the top. The jumps themselves are more 3* level, but the length (roughly 140 jumps) bumps it to a 4* puzzle.
Goal: Reach the end of the puzzle and sign the message book
Entrance: Bed immediately to your left as you enter.
Address: (Primal) Behemoth Mist Ward 12, Plot 31
Additional rules: No Phasing
Additional info: There's a spectating platform through the bed in the basement
★★★★☆ Haunted Puzzle Mansion
A unique jumping experience, or something. Currently only has a single full clear. Unlike traditional jumping puzzles, the Haunted Mansion has no set path from beginning to end. Instead, the goal is to physically reach 9 Tonberry Lamps hidden throughout the mansion. While the puzzle altogether has a very high difficulty rating, this is only because of the last two Tonberries. The actual difficulty depends on how many Tonberries you aim to find and is overall easier. The Mansion is heavily inspired by Boo's Mansion in Super Mario 64, and so all 9 Tonberries have individual names and ratings. For more information, click here
Goal: Physically reach all 9 Tonberry Lamps
Entrance: Upstairs, jump twice under the globe
Address: (Primal) Exodus Empyreum Ward 17 Plot 18 (FC house)
Additional rules: No Speed Boosts, no Phasing through Walls/Floors, no /gpose or /icam
Clearing notes: If you're aiming to "officially" have a full clear of the puzzle, please take screenshots of your character with all 9 Tonberry Lamps and send them to me on Twitter (AinaZelkova) or Discord (Sephinel) so I can verify it. Thank you!
★★★★★ Hell-on-High (Currently unavailable)
Living up to its name, this puzzle is the jumping equivalent of Heaven-on-High, built like a Deep Dungeon. A single slip-up can result in a long fall down to the bottom. There are 13 floors, counting the ending. This is a commission puzzle on EU servers, so NA players will need an alt. Peloton HEAVILY recommended so you don't have to wait for Sprint.
Goal: Reach the message book at the end and sign it
Entrance: /doze on the bed in wall when you enter, then walk down
Address: None right now
Additional rules: No phasing
★★★★★ Crime Against Humanity
A new atrocity, not meant to be beaten by anyone. It is technically possible, however. I made it as hard as humanly possible, while making it "reasonable" (so it's not just a chain of 100 pixel perfect jumps). Lots of cryptic puzzles and precise jumps, as well as sections meant to be as obnoxious and frustrating as possible. Feel free to try it, odds are you won't even find the first jump!
Goal: Reach the message book at the end and sign it
Entrance: Hahahahahaha have fun
Address: (Primal) Behemoth Lavender Beds Ward 24 Apartment #60 Subdivision
Additional rules: No /gpose or /icam, no job actions outside of Peloton, no Forbidden
This puzzle took someone an entire month of daily attempts to beat, just in case you felt like giving it a try
★★★★★ Tri-Disaster
A rare collaboration effort between myself and two other builders. As if Crime Against Humanity wasn't bad enough with its 100 furniture slots of sadism, Tri-Disaster features 300 furniture slots. Each builder had 100 to use for their section. This puzzle is beatable only in theory. This thing really shouldn't exist.
Goal: Reach the message book at the end and sign it
Entrance: You can't miss it
Address: (Light) Alpha Mist Ward 8 Plot 7
Additional rules: Nope :)
Clear status: Kind of (third party tools were used in solving the puzzle)
All puzzled out? Stuck on another data center? Worry not! There's more!Space Camp is an FC ran by Daranae Ashe, located on Aether. They have a TON of creative jump puzzles, including beginner puzzles to help you get started and even more 5 star puzzles to make you cry yourself to sleep. Check them out!There's also a Discord server dedicated to jump puzzles. Feel free to message me for an invite!
★★★★★ Haunted Puzzle MansionDue to the more complex nature of the mansion, I figured I'd give it its own little section here for extra information. Each of the 9 Tonberry Lamps has its own name (which can give a hint for finding it) and difficulty, meaning that the overall experience of the puzzle doesn't necessarily include 4 star difficulty jumping. If you exclude the final two, the difficulty's somewhere around 3 stars, however they haven't been "officially" rated so all ratings are entirely my own and don't necessarily represent the overall rating system, especially with my own biased view of the difficulty of both the jumps and the puzzle solving to find them. Here's the SM64 style list:
★☆☆☆☆ Not a Super Mario 64 Reference (Okay, Maybe It Is)
★☆☆☆☆ A Demonic Visitor
★☆☆☆☆ Back Entrance? Don't Mind If I Do!
★★☆☆☆ A Silent Guardian
★★☆☆☆ Be There or Be... Cube?
★★★☆☆ Over the Counter
★★★☆☆ A House Within a House
★★★★★ Pray Return to the Haunted House
★★★★★ Top of the World
Since you made it this far, here's a hint: The rules are very specific about the "no phasing" rule only applying to walls and floors for a reason. Good luck!
Dhalmel Tower
![Dhalmel Tower](assets/images/image06.jpg?v=2d2f043d)
![Dhalmel Tower](assets/images/image03.jpg?v=2d2f043d)
Comfy Jump Puzzle
![Comfy Jump Puzzle](assets/images/image07.jpg?v=2d2f043d)
![Comfy Jump Puzzle](assets/images/image04.jpg?v=2d2f043d)
Haunted Puzzle Mansion
![Haunted Puzzle Mansion](assets/images/image08.jpg?v=2d2f043d)
![Haunted Puzzle Mansion](assets/images/image05.jpg?v=2d2f043d)
Crime Against Humanity
Dhalmel Tower (jump under the globes upstairs)
Comfy Jump Puzzle (good luck!)
Haunted Puzzle Mansion (jump under the globes upstairs)
:3C (jump under the table on the fish tank upstairs)
Crime Against Humanity